Leadership training,
culture change, resilience
individual/org development
for changing times

shine works with organisations and individuals who - in however small  or big a way - are contributing to a socially & ecologically just world.


our work

  • Connected Leaders
    expand your sphere of influence beyond your role, organisation and sector to help drive systems change

  • Regenerative Cultures
    seed cultures of heart, imagination and courageous, principled action

  • Young Adults
    equip yourselves to launch powerfully into the world as self-leaders  and changemakers

  • Resilient Communities
    build horizontal bonds across difference for collective action

  • Transformational Learning
    take a deep dive - connecting with yourself, others, nature and the big picture


We are survivors of immeasurable events,
Flung upon some reach of land,
Small, wet miracles without instructions,
Only the imperative of change. 

Rebecca Elson

Get in touch to creatively shape your future

There’s no commitment, pressure or obligation.


What People Are Saying

"I have done my fair share of therapy, counselling and management training; none of it brought about the positive and lasting change that we experienced while working with Kanada. Her brave, persistent, patient and sometimes challenging approach won over and engaged even the most diehard resistors to ‘management bollocks’.

After thirty years of frustration and failed attempts at cultural change, the dream of a company that got the most from, and gave the most back to, all its staff has been realised; if I retire with that satisfaction Kanada deserves a lot of the credit.

Be prepared to enter uncharted waters; for us it was the trip of a lifetime.”

Guy Singh-Watson, Founder, Riverford Organic Farmers

“Spending time with Kanada clarifying the wishes for my life served to remove obstacles and create a path ahead in accordance with my highest hopes. Her teachings have stayed with me and I am able to continue exploring my next steps on a path that has been cleared in advance.”

Cathy Richardson, social worker & therapist

"I loved working with Kanada, she brought a magic mixture of tools, presence, experience and intuition to play in our sessions. Indeed often I felt there was magic in the air as she spoke words that had just been thoughts for me a little while earlier." 

Greg Meanwell, business consultant & entrepreneur